Our Mission

The Summit Senior Golf Of Akron is a nonprofit golf organization based in Akron, Ohio. The Association is managed by an elected Board of Governors and is dedicated to conducting golf competition for amateur players 50 years of age and older. Players of all abilities are welcome.

The membership is separated into divisions based on ability. See our membership page for more information. We have over 500 active members.

ball on tee

Chuck Maroon
President/Tournament Director
eMail: [email protected]

Dave McMullen
Tournament Director Emeritus

Kevin Tucker
Administrative Manager
eMail: [email protected]

 Tom Begley

Bill Thompson
Support Desk
eMail: [email protected]


John Foss
“A” Tournament Manager
eMail: [email protected]

Rosalyn Harris
“B” Tournament Manager
eMail: [email protected]

Gary Schrom
“C” Tournament Manager
eMail: [email protected]

Leroy Martin
Les Carney
Tim Davis
Duane Daily


Contact any Board Member by U.S. Postal Service
P.O. Box 4135
Copley, OH 44321

We are proud to have the following sponsors who work with us to provide the prizes that makes our tournaments so great and so much fun. Thanks to each and every one of them. Please patronize our sponsors.